How Long Does Addiction Recovery Take?

Seeking drugs and alcohol counselling is the first step in a long journey of addiction recovery. As soon as a new patient checks into Hills & Ranges, a detox centre in Melbourne, one of the first questions they ask is, “How long does addiction recovery take?”.

As with anything you do to improve your life, addiction recovery doesn’t take place overnight. The journey to recovery is long, filled with many steps, people, and personal awakenings. However, following these essential steps solidifies your commitment to recovery and instils you with skills you can use for a lifetime.

Addiction Recovery at a Glance

  • Addiction recovery starts when you check yourself into our detox centre in Melbourne or any other rehab program. You experience a detox period while your body clears drugs and alcohol from the system. Detox could take anywhere from days to months.
  • Next, you dive into treatment for drugs and alcohol, starting with rehab and moving toward outpatient.
  • After graduating from the rehab program, your focus shifts to transitioning back into life. At this point, it’s vital to have individual and group therapy resources to help you cope with triggers.
  • Aftercare in addiction recovery may persist for the rest of your life. You will never completely avoid triggers, so you should surround yourself with the best possible support system for as long as you need it.

Treatment for Drugs and Alcohol

At Hills & Ranges, you start your addiction recovery with a stay at our facility for the first part of your treatment. On average, patients stay for 90 days. During this time, you will undergo detox under the supervision of trained professionals. You will have consistent drugs and alcohol counselling to talk about how you feel and help you develop healthy coping mechanisms.


Addiction recovery doesn’t stop when you leave the Hills & Ranges facility. We provide ongoing recovery coaching and counselling to ensure you have support in the real world to sustain lifelong recovery.

Aftercare also involves leaning on yourself, friends, and family members for support. You will never be able to avoid your triggers, so you need to develop a supportive circle and coping mechanisms to deal with them, whether you’re one month or ten years sober.

The 51® Recovery Process

The 51® Recovery Process encompasses treatment and aftercare for addiction recovery. Unique to Hills & Ranges, this recovery process draws upon the three most globally relied-on treatment processes:

  • 12 Step Program
  • SMART goals
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

At Hills & Ranges, we’ve seen substantial success by combining these three theorems into a holistic recovery process. It encompasses self-awareness, goal setting, finding support, and retraining the brain to cope differently with triggers.

Start Your Addiction Recovery Now

There’s never a better time than the present to take the first step in your addiction recovery journey. See how the professionals and counsellors at Hills & Ranges in Melbourne can help you discover a personalised, effective treatment plan. Call us on 1800 954 749.

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