Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Behavioural Health And Drug Rehabilitation Clinic In The Heart Of Nature

As a highly addictive substance, a cocaine addiction can have serious consequences on one’s physical, mental, and emotional health. If left alone, this addiction can cause permanent damage that those afflicted with must manage for the rest of their life. While addiction is a disease that can sometimes feel inescapable, help is available.

At Hills & Ranges Private, we provide coke addiction treatment to help our clients break free from their drug dependency and reclaim control of their lives. Our luxury facility is private and exclusive, allowing our guests to peacefully overcome their addiction while in the quality care of our professional and supportive staff.

If you are seeking the assistance of highly credentialed rehab programs to help you or a loved one overcome a coke addiction, reach out through our contact page or give us a call on 1800 422 711 to speak to a friendly member of our team.

Hills & Ranges Private | Featured Image for the Cocaine Addiction Treatment Page of Hills & Ranges Melbourne.

Defining Cocaine Addiction & Abuse

An addiction to cocaine is a crippling disease that causes users to compulsively take and search for drugs, regardless of the harmful consequences it has on their bodies. Coke addiction and abuse can have a severe effect on users’ physical and mental health, while also impacting their relationships and career. The more cocaine one uses, the more they build up their tolerance, often resulting in addicts consuming greater amounts of cocaine until it is too late.

What Does Cocaine Addiction Look Like?

When one becomes addicted to cocaine, it means they have developed a dependency on the drug. This means they experience intense cravings and withdrawal symptoms when they are sober. Addicts often neglect their responsibilities in favour of securing or using cocaine, often putting themselves and their loved ones at risk. If someone you know has started displaying intense changes in their mood, behaviour, and physical appearance, it may be time to contact a cocaine rehab facility.

cocaine addiction rehab | Featured Image for the Cocaine Addiction Treatment Service Page on Hills & Ranges Melbourne.

Contact us on 1800 422 711 or through our contact page to organise a consultation about the benefits of our rehab services.

Woman undergoing counselling | Featured Image for the Cocaine Addiction Treatment Page of Hills & Ranges Melbourne.

How to Identify if a Loved One Needs Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Some people are functioning addicts, meaning they can still keep up their regular appearance while abusing cocaine behind closed doors. If you believe someone close to you is addicted to cocaine, there are certain signs to be aware of. These include increased energy, loss of appetite, anxiety, and paranoia.

They may also show physical symptoms such as dilated pupils, runny nose, and increased heart rate. Secretive behaviour, mood swings, and sudden financial difficulties are other likely signs. If this applies to someone you know, reach out and offer your love and support as you help them in their coke recovery journey.

If you or a loved one are ready to take back control of your life, access our contact page or give us call on 1800 422 711.

Cocaine Rehab: Why Choose Hills & Ranges Private?

At Hills & Ranges Private, we recognise that coke addiction is a disease, and that sufferers deserve to be treated with compassion and care. Our professional support staff provide personalised care to all our clients, ensuring our services are targeted towards the unique challenges you are facing.

Our treatments include medical detoxification, counselling, and aftercare services. We also help boost the physical, mental, and emotional wellness of our guests through a range of therapies and activities. With a commitment to aiding your coke recovery journey, we are here to help you reclaim a happy and healthy life.

Cocaine Addiction Counselling

We understand that it can be difficult to speak to someone about your condition, which is why we offer counselling as part of our coke addiction treatment services. These counselling sessions are held individually and in groups, while we also host support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous. Speaking openly and honestly about your addiction is often a powerful step towards recovery, and our support staff is here to make opening up as easy as possible.

Detox as a Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Detoxing is a very difficult process that can put individuals in a significant amount of danger and stress. That’s why we offer professional detox services to help you rid the effects of cocaine from your system in a safe and supportive environment. Our experienced medical staff provide 24-hour monitoring and support to ensure that you are safe and comfortable throughout every stage of the detox process.


Our 5i curriculum consists of the most up to date educational information and science in the field of AOD and Mental Health. Specifically developed by our team of counsellors and clinicians, the 5i Recovery Process draws upon the globally recognised principles of the best abstinence based programs and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, combining them into a systematic 5 module process that can be effectively applied to your life – no matter the severity of your addiction.

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Group therapy session | Featured Image for the Cocaine Addiction Treatment Page of Hills & Ranges Melbourne.

Learn More About Our Cocaine Rehab Facility

Whether you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction to cocaine, it is time to contact Hills & Ranges Private. Our private and exclusive Melbourne rehabilitation centre is located just outside the city, with the scenic surrounds ensuring our guests feel comfortable in our luxury estate as they overcome their addiction.

If you’re ready to begin the healing process and discover a healthier and happier you, give us a call on 1800 422 711 or reach out through our contact page.

Hills & Ranges Private


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